Here are some tips to consider when making a Kydex Sheath. 

 Kydex Heating

Heating Temperatures: When heating Kydex, the temperature range will be between (275-400°F). The heating temperature will vary depending on the thickness of the Kydex, altitude, and humidity levels in your area. Heating can be done in a kitchen oven or a toaster oven. Or you can use a blow torch, but be careful to make sure the heat is evenly applied. 

Eyelets Size

Eyelet Sizing – The eyelet size will be determined by the 3 dimensions.

  • Outside Diameter  
  • Length Under Flange
  • Flange Diameter

Eyelet Setting

There are many different ways that eyelets can be set, the most popular forms are by a manual hand press, manual kick press, hand setting tool or dies.  The proper setting of eyelets and setting tools/dies is critical in order to maintain consistency and produce quality rolling.

Eyelets Setting Problems:  Splitting & Chipping

There are several factors that can come into play if you are experiencing any splitting and/or chipping of when you are setting your eyelets.

Splitting:  If you are experiencing any splitting on your eyelets try these steps:

  • First, check to see if your dies are properly calibrated and in good working condition.
  • If they are, the most common reason for splitting is due to the eyelet length being too long for the application.
  • Try using a shorter eyelet and also double-check the thickness of your sheet material (some batches run thinner than others).
  • If all those steps have been followed and the problem still persists, contact us for assistance. or 250 346 3000

Chipping: It is far more common in the painted/colored eyelets since they go through a coating process as opposed to a plating process.

  • The colored eyelets are much more temperamental and are very sensitive to pressure when compared to the plated eyelets.  If you are having difficulties, try these steps.
  • First, check to see if your dies are properly calibrated and in good working condition.
  • If they are, try applying heat to the eyelets since they can become brittle and are more prone to chipping in cold weather environments.
  • If you follow these steps but are still having problems, please contact us to help you troubleshoot. or 250 346 3000.



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